Due to genetics, some men never develop that chiseled appearance in adulthood. Men with a rounder face may desire a more “manly” look, including a defined chin. Facial implants are a wonderful solution for men who want to achieve a more desirable look, and are available with Dr. Thomas Romo III of Romo Plastic Surgery.
What are facial implants?
Implants used in the facial area are often in high demand for men who want a defined, chiseled result to the cheeks, chin, and jaw line. Facial implants are made of silicone rubber, a medical-grade product that is safe to use underneath the skin. These implants are commonly placed in areas where men often desire a sharper edge instead of a rounded contour.
How is the facial implant procedure performed?
Dr. Thomas Romo III is a plastic surgeon that places cheek, chin, and jaw implants into the facial area through small incisions made in the mouth. This eliminates scarring that may be visible on the facial area after surgery. The procedure itself is performed with general IV anesthesia and often takes less than an hour to complete.
How are facial implants kept in place?
Facial implants are secured in place within the face with a titanium micro screw that will keep the implants from shifting over time.
What can I expect for recovery?
Most patients with facial implants can allow anywhere from seven to 10 days for healing and recovery. Patients who have jobs which require lifting, bending, or other physical activity may need to take more time off of social activities and work before returning to ensure proper healing.
Speak to our team about facial implant solutions
Dr. Thomas Romo III of Romo Plastic Surgery in New York, NY is here to assist men in achieving a more chiseled, manly appearance with the use of facial implants. If you are interested in learning more about this and other cosmetic procedures, we welcome you to book an appointment with our team by calling (212) 288-1500. We are always accepting new patients into our facility seeking improvements of the face and body using plastic surgery techniques.