Do I Need More Than Just a Neck Lift?
Depending on your individual needs and goals, Dr. Thomas Romo III may recommend additional procedures, such as a facelift or brow lift, to enhance your results. A neck lift may also involve liposuction to remove fatty deposits from beneath the chin and jawline.
What Can I Expect After My Procedure?
After surgery, you should notice an improved contour in your neck with fewer wrinkles and a firmer appearance. As with any cosmetic procedure, the results are not permanent and may require additional surgery over time to maintain a youthful look. Talk to Dr. Thomas Romo III of Romo Plastic Surgery about what you can expect from a neck lift in terms of both long-term results and recovery time. A skilled plastic surgeon will be able to create natural-looking results that give you a refreshed and more balanced appearance.
Who Should I Trust To Perform My Neck Lift Procedure?
If you are considering a neck lift, it’s important that you research your options carefully to find an experienced and qualified plastic surgeon like Dr. Thomas Romo III who can help you achieve the best possible results. Ask questions, read reviews, and be sure to discuss any potential risks or complications with Dr. Thomas Romo III before undergoing this procedure. With the right care, a neck lift can help improve your appearance for many years afterward!
Call Romo Plastic Surgery Today!
Dr. Thomas Romo III is a plastic surgeon who focuses on facial procedures and can help you learn more about neck lift treatment or other options to consider to restore your youthful look. His New York, NY office can be reached by calling 212-288-1500 and scheduling a consultation appointment.