What Is Rhinoplasty?
Rhinoplasty, also known as nose surgery or a nose job, is a cosmetic procedure that is performed to change the appearance of the nose. Contemporary rhinoplasty has undergone several changes over the past two decades. Most rhinoplasty surgeries used to be performed as purely reduction surgeries; cartilage and bone were cut away and the natural skin would then “shrink-wrap” down to the smaller framework. In the past, however, too much cartilage and bone were often removed, which commonly resulted in noses that were too small, upturned, or looked pinched. Sometimes the nose job surgery would even interfere with the natural architecture of the nose and cause breathing difficulties.
To prevent this, Dr. Thomas Romo III, top rhinoplasty (nose job) surgeon in NYC, developed a unique rhinoplasty technique called reduction structured rhinoplasty, which creates a natural-looking nose that maintains proper breathing function.
What Issues Can Nose Surgery Fix?
Rhinoplasty may be used to:
- Reshape or resize a large or non-symmetrical nose (also known as reduction rhinoplasty)
- Refine the shape of a nose
- Remove a bump in the nose
- Straighten a twist in the nose
- Change the angle between the nose and the mouth
- Correct nasal problems that affect breathing
- Correct a nose or facial fracture from an injury or accident
- Correct a broken nose that was not set properly, resulting in asymmetry
- Revise a previous rhinoplasty (also known as revision rhinoplasty)
- Build up the size of a small or flat-shaped nose (also known as augmentation rhinoplasty or ethnic rhinoplasty)
What Procedure Can Be Combined with a Rhinoplasty?
Depending on a patient’s needs and desired results, Dr. Romo may also recommend another cosmetic surgery in conjunction with a rhinoplasty, such as a chin implant, in order to help balance the facial proportions. In some cases, a rhinoplasty may also be performed at the same time as a medical surgery, such as surgical repair of a deviated septum (called a septoplasty) or surgery for severe or recurring sinus disease.
See What Our Patients Have To Say!
“I had a rhinoplasty done about 10 years ago and was never pleased with the results. Both the aesthetic and functionality were horrible. After constant discomfort and insecurity my ENT referred me to Dr. Romo for a revision. He was kind, caring, smart and understood exactly what I was looking for. After a few consultations I booked my date and did the surgery! It has been about a week and I can’t believe how amazing the results are. He gave me the exact look I wanted and I can finally properly breath again! It sucks that I went 10 years being unhappy with my nose, but I am so thankful Dr. Romo was able to help re-correct it.”
To read more patient testimonials of Dr. Romo’s work, click here!
Rhinoplasty Before And After Photos
Child Rhinoplasty
Male Rhinoplasty
Female Rhinoplasty
Who Is A Good Candidate For A Nose Job?
The nose is a defining feature of the face that can greatly impact the facial profile and proportions, especially if it is too large, too small, or if it is non-symmetrical in shape. A nose job may be recommended for patients whose nose is at full maturity, typically at around 14 years of age or older.
Reasons for undergoing rhinoplasty may include:
- Achieve better balance of the facial features
- Make the face more symmetrical
- Build a better facial profile
- Achieve a noticeable change in facial silhouette
- Help the patient gain confidence in facial appearance
What to Expect Before Rhinoplasty
Before surgery, Dr. Romo uses advanced computer imaging to illustrate how a patient’s nasal appearance can be improved through rhinoplasty. This will allow you to see how your nose will look following surgery.
Is Nose Surgery Painful?
You will be given an anesthetic so you will not feel any pain during the procedure.
How Long Does a Rhinoplasty Procedure Take?
The procedure will last from 3‒5 hours, depending on the complexity. When performed in conjunction with other procedures, the surgery time may vary.
Treatment Options For A Broken Nose
How Does Dr. Romo Perform Rhinoplasty?
Dr. Romo performs nose surgery using either of two methods: open or closed. Generally, the open method allows more dramatic changes, but it does create a small scar. During your consultation with Dr. Romo, the two of you will discuss which method would be best for your unique situation. Rhinoplasty can be done with the patient under IV or general sedation. The surgery usually lasts from one to two hours.
Open rhinoplasty
If more dramatic structural changes are needed, it’s likely Dr. Romo will used open rhinoplasty. To begin, he makes a small incision across the columella (the small strip of skin between the nostrils). He then lifts the skin and soft tissues up and back from the tip of the nose to expose the bone and cartilage. Whether building up or reducing the bridge, the open method provides excellent access. Once the changes are made, the skin and tissue is re-draped over the new underlying structure. This method leaves a small scar on the columella, but it is innocuous and becomes almost invisible over time.
Closed rhinoplasty
If possible, Dr. Romo tries to use the closed method because all of the incisions are made within the nose, eliminating any outer scarring. There is somewhat less tissue trauma with the closed method, as well. The closed method is effective when the size of the overall nose is being changed, and to address breathing problems. Once the incisions are made, the soft tissues are separated from the bone and cartilage. When the nose is being made thinner or smaller, the nasal bones will be fractured to allow reduction. If increasing the size, Dr. Romo can use cartilage or bone from the patient’s septum, ears, or ribs, or he can use synthetic material.
What Are My Treatment Options For A Broken Nose?
Severe breaks, multiple breaks, or breaks that have gone for more than 14 days without treatment will likely need surgery. That’s where Dr. Romo’s expertise comes in. If addressed within the first two weeks after injury, Dr. Romo may be able to reposition the displaced bones and cartilage with a closed reduction procedure. But this method can’t fix a deviated septum, which is very common with a broken nose. In many cases this procedure is a first step of sorts.
After six weeks or even longer, Dr. Romo will perform a second procedure to re-set the bones. This is called an open reduction nasal fracture. At this time, he will set the nose in the proper position for both function and aesthetics. He can also address the deviated septum at this time.
What’s Recovery From Nose Surgery Like?
Immediately following your surgery, Dr. Romo will place a splint on your nose to protect its new shape. The splint will come off in about one week, but your face will feel puffy and there will be swelling all around your eyes and nose. We’ll provide a cold compress and its diligent use will help with your swelling. For the first few days after your surgery, you’ll need to keep your head elevated and as still as possible. You’ll need to sleep with your head up. Obviously, blowing your nose is out of the question. It will take from 10 to 14 days for the majority of the swelling and bruising to run its course. If you wear glasses, they will need to be taped to your forehead for up to seven weeks to alleviate any weight on your new nose. Strenuous exercise or heavy lifting will have to wait for at least one month. You need to minimize elevating blood pressure across your face.
What Will My Scarring Look Like After Rhinoplasty?
Scars are minimal and located either within the nose or under the tip of the nose to conceal visibility.
How Old Do I Need To Be To Have Nose Surgery?
While an unattractive nose can be a real confidence buster for a teenager, nose surgery can’tt be performed until the nose has finished growing. For women, the nose is usually completely developed by age 15 or 16; in men it is age 17 or 18.
When Will I See Full Results From My Rhinoplasty?
You’ll see the majority of your results immediately. The majority of your swelling should resolve within three weeks. At that point, although quantifying is difficult, you’ll probably be able to see about 80 percent of your final results.
The problem is residual swelling, particularly at the nasal tip. This can take a full year to completely resolve. It can resolve earlier in some patients. Still, you’ll love most of the changes within that first month after your surgery with Dr. Romo.
What Are The Risks With Rhinoplasty?
Rhinoplasty is a very common aesthetic procedure, but it is surgery and carries with it the risks involved with any surgery. These include infection, excessive bleeding, anesthesia reactions, and poor healing. Specific to nose surgery are the risks of nasal septal perforation, difficulty breathing, skin discoloration, enduring swelling, and a lack of satisfaction with the appearance of your new nose.
In general, however, nose surgery with Dr. Romo is very safe, carries very low risk, and is ultimately satisfying in its final results.
Why Choose Dr. Romo For Your NYC Rhinoplasty?
Dr. Romo is a pioneer in the field of rhinoplasty, with extensive experience in performing many different forms of nose job procedure, including revision rhinoplasty and ethnic rhinoplasty. He also provides rhinoplasty for teenagers. Dr. Romo developed an innovative technique called reduction structured rhinoplasty, a breakthrough approach that does not over-reduce the nasal architecture. In addition, this approach involves strengthening the residual support structures within the nose through the grafting of septal cartilage or implants.
Dr. Romo is currently in the process of working with the world-renowned Karl Storz Instruments to develop his own line of endoscopic instruments for a rhinoplasty that work with greater precision and provide more natural results with less downtime. Dr. Romo has written numerous books and book chapters on his unique rhinoplasty approach and frequently lectures internationally, teaching his techniques to other surgeons.
Thomas Romo III, MD, FACS is one of the most experienced and respected plastic surgeons for rhinoplasty in the world, known for his meticulous minimally invasive surgical techniques and for achieving natural-looking results with a shorter recovery period. As a world-renowned innovator in surgical methods as well as an inventor of new endoscopic instruments for facial surgery, Dr. Romo’s practice draws patients from New York City, across the United States, and internationally for all of their surgical and non-surgical facial cosmetic needs.
Schedule A Consultation
If you are interested in learning more about rhinoplasty, rhinoplasty for children, revision rhinoplasty, ethnic rhinoplasty, or other procedures Dr. Romo offers, call our office today at 212-288-1500. You can also schedule a consultation with Dr. Romo by filling out our appointment request form. You deserve to look and feel your best, so don’t hesitate to contact us today!