Performing a rhinoplasty for children is a more complex procedure than performing one for adults. Parents seeking to help their children undergo such a procedure should contact a skilled and trusted surgeon such as Dr. Thomas Romo. Call Romo Plastic Surgery today at (212) 288-1500 to schedule your child's rhinoplasty consultation at our NYC office!
Rhinoplasty For Children Before & After

What Is Rhinoplasty?
Rhinoplasty, also known as nose surgery or a nose job, is a cosmetic procedure that is performed to change the appearance of the nose. Rhinoplasty for children is not appropriate until the child’s nose has reached full maturity, which is usually around 14 years old in girls and 17 years old in boys. Rhinoplasty is the most common cosmetic surgery performed among American teens.
In the past most rhinoplasty surgeries were used for reduction; cartilage and bone were cut away and then the skin would be “shrink-wrapped” down to the smaller framework. Too much cartilage and bone were often removed, which commonly resulted in noses that were too small, upturned, or looked pinched. Sometimes the surgery would even interfere with the natural architecture of the nose and cause breathing difficulties.
To prevent this, Dr. Thomas Romo III, the best rhinoplasty surgeon for children in NYC, developed a unique rhinoplasty technique called reduction structured rhinoplasty, which creates a natural-looking nose that maintains proper breathing function.
What Issues Can Nose Surgery Fix For My Child?
Rhinoplasty for children may be used to:
- Reshape or resize a large or non-symmetrical nose (also known as reduction rhinoplasty)
- Refine the shape of a nose
- Remove a bump in the nose
- Straighten a twist in the nose
- Change the angle between the nose and the mouth
- Correct birth defects or nasal problems that affect breathing
- Correct a nose or facial fracture from an injury or accident
- Correct a broken nose that was not set properly, resulting in asymmetry
- Build up the size of a small or flat-shaped nose (also known as augmentation rhinoplasty or ethnic rhinoplasty)
Depending on a patient’s needs and desired results, Dr. Romo may also recommend another cosmetic surgery in conjunction with a rhinoplasty, such as a chin implant, in order to help balance the facial proportions. In some cases, a rhinoplasty may also be performed at the same time as medical surgery, such as surgical repair of a deviated septum (called a septoplasty) or surgery for severe or recurring sinus disease.
Is My Child A Candidate For A Nose Job?
While each patient’s specific needs vary, rhinoplasty is typically an option for female children who are at least 14 years old and male children who are at least 17 years old, as cosmetic nose surgery is not advised until a patient’s nose has finished developing.
What Are The Benefits Of Rhinoplasty?
Reasons for undergoing rhinoplasty may include:
- Achieve better balance of the facial features
- Make the face more symmetrical
- Build a better facial profile
- Achieve a noticeable change in facial silhouette
- Help a child gain confidence in facial appearance
Patient Testimonial:
"Dr.Romo completely transformed my face by just doing a Rhinoplasty. I have never been happier and I couldn’t be more grateful for all that he has done. He is by far the best doctor I have seen and 10000% recommend getting anything fixed by him!!!!"
What Should I Expect At My Child’s Rhinoplasty Consultation?
Before surgery, Dr. Romo uses advanced computer imaging to illustrate how a patient’s nasal appearance can be improved through rhinoplasty. This will allow your child to see how his or her nose will look following surgery.
Is Rhinoplasty Painful?
Your child will be given an anesthetic so he or she will not feel any pain during the procedure.
How Long Does A Rhinoplasty Procedure Take?
The procedure will last from 2‒3 hours, depending on the complexity. When performed in conjunction with other procedures, the surgery time may vary.
What Is The Recovery Process Like After My Child’s Nose Surgery?
Your child may have some swelling and bruising after the procedure. Recovery and potential downtime can range from 10‒14 days, although most patients can return to school within one week
What Does The Scarring Look Like After A Nose Job?
Scars are minimal and located either within the nose or under the tip of the nose to conceal visibility
Why Choose Dr. Romo For Your Child’s Nose Surgery?
Dr. Romo is a pioneer in the field of rhinoplasty for kids, with extensive experience in performing many different forms of this procedure, including revision rhinoplasty and ethnic rhinoplasty. Dr. Romo developed an innovative technique called reduction structured rhinoplasty, a breakthrough approach that does not over-reduce the nasal architecture. In addition, this approach involves strengthening the residual support structures within the nose through the grafting of septal cartilage or implants.
Dr. Romo is currently in the process of working with the world-renowned Karl Storz Instruments to develop his own line of endoscopic instruments for rhinoplasty that work with greater precision and provide more natural results with less downtime. Dr. Romo has written numerous books and book chapters on his unique rhinoplasty approach and frequently lectures internationally, teaching his techniques to other surgeons.
Consult Dr. Romo For Your Child's Rhinoplasty In NYC!
If you are interested in learning more about rhinoplasty for children or adults, revision rhinoplasty, ethnic rhinoplasty, or other procedures Dr. Romo offers, call our office today at 212-288-1500. You can also schedule a consultation with Dr. Romo by filling out our appointment request form. Your child deserves to look and feel his or her best, so don’t hesitate to contact us today!